mining for shiplap

There is the most amazing house in the woods. It was built in 1902 by the family of our good friends. All wood, high ceilings, brick, all the lumber is local etc. It’s not livable by a long shot, and there is no evidence that it had modern plumbing or electricity. It’s been very picked apart by the family who owns it. Every door, window, beam, basically any easily accessible arhictectural piece is upcycled in someone’s house.

All that is left is wood. This amazingly aged, reasonably well preserved wonderful wood. We are in it for the real shiplap walls. Every wall left standing still has all or most of the shiplap intact. Everything is tongue and groove. With permission, we went on a recon mission this weekend. We managed to get two pieces off the wall in decent shape. However, it is a long, careful process. With a better formulated plan, we will go back later this week and get our haul.

We will use it  in the house (name still pending) on  a wall in the living room to add some texture. These along with the big windows, fireplace, built-ins and the beam ceiling we plan to uncover will just be a freaking explosion of character :)


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