The 805: Thrifting update

Ever since the offer I've been scouring CL and thrift stores looking for the house. It's been a blast. As with all good deals nothing that I found is perfect, but all will be great with a little work.
The List:
1. Vintage Kenmore Stove- 1950s
I'm so excited about this stove. It is amazing. I found it in Muskogee on craigslist for $70. My mom and I went to meet Luis the lister at the old Oklahoma and Natural Gas warehouse which he now owns. What a nice guy. He's really into old stuff and auctions too so he was excited that we wanted the stove to put in my period kitchen. He had some info on it. To his knowledge it worked. He had it plugged in some time before and it was in working condition. He had never cleaned it. So of course he suggested a thorough cleaning before taking it inside to hook up. He told us that ONG used to have a cooking show called "Cooking with Gas" and this stove was used on stage! Everyone's best guess was the Kenmore probably wasn't used a lot and therefore should be a great addition to my little kitchen. The best part of the deal was Luis sold it to me for $50!

 2. Crane Drexel Wall Mounted Sink- 1950s. While we were with Luis he asked if there was anything else I needed for the house. I told him doors and sinks right now. His face lit up and said he had a couple sinks that would be great for small bathrooms. He led us upstairs to this awesome wall mount sink with a built in faucet. He sold it to me for $20 and gave me tips for cleaning it up. After doing some research on it at home I found the exact model selling on sites that specialize in antique appliances. Most sites list it for $600 or more! Here is how Chicago Faucet Shoppe describes it on their site:
"This is a genuine, original Crane Drexel Porcelain Wall Mounted Sink from the 1950's. This is a very unique wall hung sink with built-in porcelain spout, slant-back mount Dial-Ese faucet, built in soap recess and half-moon shaped bowl. No one make sinks like this anymore." 
This will go in my small master bathroom. 

 3. Front door--Mid century. I have a huge problem with every exterior door in my house as of now. You cannot see outside from any of them. No windows not in any. So that being the case I have been searching CL for an appropriate front door. I was losing hope when I finally stumbled on the perfect one! A solid wood door with three horizontal windows. It belongs on my house. It is the quintessential mid century ranch front door. It needs a good coat of paint and a couple squirts of wood filler, but other than that it is great shape. All glass intact and everything. $60! Below to the left is my door. The blue door is my inspiration door when I was searching. Pretty good match, right?

4. Floor mirror--no date. Again another restore find. A huge mirror for $25. Oh the possiblities with this mirror. Mine didn't have a frame. It was clearly salvaged out of an old bathroom or something. But no frame was no problem. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with all my marble trophy bases I disassembled a few weeks ago. They would be perfect. I also needed to add bracing so it could support itself but easy fix too. I mean floor mirrors at West Elm go for around $300 +  so this was a stellar deal. Unfortunately this was also my first fail. My mom and I had no trouble loading it up or getting it to the house. But when we were getting it out of the back of the truck it cracked in half. No idea how. My mom was literally just holding one end of it and the other end was resting in the bed. So so long perfect floor mirror. It's very sad. But I think I'll take half of it to get cut into a circle so I can have my hanging circle mirror in the hallway. Hopefully this project can be reimagined. I'm thinking rope, circle mirror, and thick crust pizza pan for frame?

 4. Farmhouse sink--1922, 250 lbs. Yep it's a big boy. Trust me when I say no one but me is excited about this guy. Although I would love for it to go in the kitchen it's home will be in the hallway bath. It's a corner farmhouse sink and just does not configure in the kitchen. But in the bathroom it will fit perfectly. It has the high back and side drainboard. It's wall mount and has one cast iron leg. It's still in Tulsa until I gather a crew to haul it to Tahlequah. It was a steal at $60. I'm so excited! I don't have a pic of mine, but below is the exact model on ebay for $1,150. Currently mine is not that clean...but it will be.
That's all for now...



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