The 805: Painted Paneling

Hands down the linoleum floor was the most overwhelming out of date thing in my new home. However, a close second was the paneled walls. I admit the paneling is good quality, but no one wants it on their walls. Not even me who can appreciate keeping some things original and period appropriate. Unfortunately there is no drywall behind the panels so I have to paint over it.

I borrowed my dad's paint sprayer and my mom came to help. First stop Lowe's. My colors are white, gray, blue, and yellow. There I picked out Woodlawn Dewkist, Mountain Smoke, Safe Harbor, and Golden.

At the house we loaded up the sprayer, practiced a little bit outside, and then went for it. I started in the small front bedroom just in case I made mistakes. I did.

1. I was too heavy. But that didn't turn out too bad because my mom went behind me and rolled the drippy parts
2. I forgot my glasses. Big mistake...

White eyelashes
3. Did not prime walls. This wasted a lot of paint. The sprayer uses more paint than normal anyway so priming would have help a lot. 

The sprayer left a nice even coat on everything including me. I was happy to have it. I have some touching up to do on the white walls, but overall I love the color. Everything is so much brighter. White is in the living room, small bedroom, and dining room. Gray in the hallway and parts of the kitchen. A blue accent wall. And yellow for the dining room door. The door is not finished because I'm replacing it, but I wanted to see the color in the room anyway. 

Overall I really like the colors. I'm thinking of doing a patterned stencil on the blue wall. Maybe a gold arrow pattern. And possibly a chevron pattern on the dining room wall opposite of the window.  But I'll think on those a while. I will be adding the small bathroom shelf I removed the other day into the entry way. I think I also found a freebie in the attic that will fit too. 

I still need to finish the trim. I think that will sharpen everything up. The back bedrooms and bathrooms need to be repainted, but they aren't in as bad shape as the front rooms.

Dining room with yellow door
Accent hallway wall from living room

White makes original counter tops look so much better
Kitchen gray accents
Entry way
Hallway from master bedroom doorway


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