Wall Mural DIY
This is the new wall in my bedroom. It really turned out nice. My wall colors are a light blue/gray. The brown I used was Behr Brown Oxide. Because my walls were already light I drew the trees then painted around them. This probably takes a lot longer than just painting the trees, but as you can see still works really well. This took me 2 hours to paint (breaks included).
Paint (light or dark depending on your method)
Paint Supplies--I used a small roller brush, small paint brush, and an artist paint brush
masking tape
What to do:
1. Draw the design on your wall with chalk. Chalk makes it easy to correct any mistakes you make in the initial drawing.
2. Put down your masking tape. My least favorite step, but unfortunately necessary especially for me because I'm a sloppy painter.
3. Start painting. If you are painting around the trees use your artist brush to outline areas the other brushes are too big for.
4. Add trunk details. Use a little paint on your artist brush and make quick sweeping motions to make the accent marks on the trees.
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